Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sneaking off to the museum

I was in Saint Louis last week to visit my dad, and found time to visit the SLAM. I needed to gather more image resources because I felt I was running on empty, and the internet can only take you so far. This is what I found---

Edwin Landseer, Attachment, 1829

I realized as I VTSed this image with one of my classes that this had been a choice made based on personal meaning. But it is still a great image, because it was easy for students (non-focus group) to humanize animals, and the first class got the meaning right away.

I went into the photography exhibit and was reminded of a narrative photographer, Gregory Crewdson. A lot of his work isn't right for elementary school, but his work led me to others I remembered from a couple of years ago.

Gregory Crewdson

Simen Johan

 Holly Andres

Other images I making note of for possible later use - 


  1. Nice finds! We should all sneak off to the museum more frequently!

  2. These are WONDERFUL images! I'll definitely have to research the work of the photographers Great research!
